Alta Vista 36 Road Retention/Fier Project (2006)
The flood damage reduction project was constructed in coordination with the Lincoln/Lyon County road improvement and the Lincoln County bridge replacement on Lincoln County Highway 18 and Lyon County Highway 10, west of Minneota, Minnesota, in Section 36, Range 44W, Township 113N in Lincoln County, 5 miles west of Minneota, Minnesota. The project was designed to control the runoff from a 5,120-acre watershed, increase the height of the roadway by 16 feet, and create a floodwater storage area of 44.8 acres. The cost of the retention project was $658,603.34 and was funded by a collaboration of sources, including the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT) Local Road Improvement Funds, State of Minnesota Bonding, Lincoln County MNDOT State Aid Funds, Lincoln County in-kind, YMRWD, and Lyon County.